Short Stories

Short Stories #11

Moving on through my collection, When I Am Not Writing Poetry and we come to the eleventh story, ‘The Call’. One of several very brief stories drawn from life: a snapshot of an evening. A snapshot of a generation gap… and because the story is so brief – less than a page – it is difficult to describe it without telling the story! There is a dance and a telephone call…

It was two minutes past one in the morning when the telephone rang.

Of course none of them had heard it above the Rolling Stones LP which was playing and the general noise of dance and conversations shouted over the music. As his friend’s mother appeared in the doorway in her dressing gown…

‘The Call’ can be found in When I Am Not Writing Poetry – available here or on Amazon.

By Chris

Poet and writer: I have travelled the world in the Merchant Navy, worked on the farm where I now live, and re-invented myself as an information scientist. Born in Sussex, I moved to Swansea and have lived in the same farm cottage in mid-Wales for almost 50 years.

I have three collections of poems in print, Mostly Welsh, Book of the Spirit and the recent Lost Time. Although initially entirely focussed on poetry, my writing has branched into short stories and my first full length work of fiction, The Dark Trilogy and the collection of short stories - When I Am Not Writing Poetry - are also available.

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