Short Stories

Short Stories #25

The twenty-fifth  story in my collection, When I Am Not Writing Poetry, is ‘Last Words’ which is in fact the last you will hear of my three friends. And I give them the stage. Each, in their own words, has written something that brings everything that you have learnt – if you have followed (read the stories) them through this volume. Jan speaks first and then Professor Neil. Simon has the last word. The first excerpt is from Jan’s diary, the second from a letter which Simon sent to me.

Dear Diary. Today is the fifth sixth time I have seen him—same cafe, same table, same time on Saturday—although to be honest I don’t know when he arrives—before me, at any rate; and he leaves after me. Perhaps he is there every day. I am so sure I recognise him! The first couple of times he was joined by a rather pretty girl quite a bit younger than him…

How nice it was to hear from Neil and Jan after all these years. We had met before at a local artist’s reception in the university down here—it must have been ten years ago before they decamped to your little town with its smaller university where they were both able to become heads of departments. And now we have all met up again. Although I must confess I could hardly remember you! The white beard didn’t help! Actually I can hardly remember those walks back to the boarding school…

‘Last Words’ can be found in When I Am Not Writing Poetry – available here or on Amazon.

By Chris

Poet and writer: I have travelled the world in the Merchant Navy, worked on the farm where I now live, and re-invented myself as an information scientist. Born in Sussex, I moved to Swansea and have lived in the same farm cottage in mid-Wales for almost 50 years.

I have three collections of poems in print, Mostly Welsh, Book of the Spirit and the recent Lost Time. Although initially entirely focussed on poetry, my writing has branched into short stories and my first full length work of fiction, The Dark Trilogy and the collection of short stories - When I Am Not Writing Poetry - are also available.

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