
Elegies of Time              

I don’t write many long poems … most of my poems are less than a page,   but occasionally an idea hits me that merits something more – or so I think at the time! These poems take longer to write and usually demand some research work – probably why there are so few of them – only four in my Mostly Welsh collection.

Not so long ago I had this idea to do something on TIME. It has fascinated me for a long (err!) time – how we see it – experience it – understand it – WHAT it is! I remember that it was only just over 100 years ago that we decided to regulate time… as travel and then public transport, became more common, it became more convenient for people in Aberystwyth to know that the train from London would arrive at THEIR 10:30 rather than London’s 10:30… which might have been as much as half an hour adrift from Welsh time! So travel, particularly on the railways helped to control time (some of you may think that the railways still do – though not in a good way!)! Time zones arrived in the world in 1883.

But the whole idea of measuring time is artificial, isn’t it? Who says there are sixty minutes in an hour? Why sixty? And don’t get me started on the physics of time and gravity! Mainly because that is the bit I struggle to understand! And then I heard someone on the radio say that you can never prove the existence of time and that thought was niggling away at my mind, I suppose.

And as it sometimes happens, right at that moment (see my previous post on coincidences) I heard a review of Carlo – I should say Professor Carlo Rovelli’s book – The Order of Time. It is a beautifully written book – written for my simple mind – and he makes a complex subject easy – or easier than it might have been – but that isn’t to say that it is an easy read – I probably understood about a fifth of it! There are frequently simple sentences that require re-reading. Several times. Statements such as

Time passes more slowly in some places

There is no such thing as past or future

Time is the measurement of change (Aristotle)

All require a little thought… and make writing quite difficult! My problem was that our language – our understanding of our world – revolves around the concept (a concept) of time: “The poems take longer to write” – “Not so long ago I had this idea” – “just over 100 years ago” … “the sentence I write next”… and so on.

But the book provided some of the background for what became THE ELEGIES OF TIME.

FIVE of them… making a work as long, I think as any poetry I have written. Fortunately they are poems so you do not have to worry as there is not much science in them! Like – I suppose – many of my poems, they have autobiographical elements – a DWELLING on the past…  on lost times…  on existence… on eternity…

Oh! I have just suggested that the poem dwells on the past! The past that, like the future, like eternity does not exist!!! – what more could a poet want?! A freedom to write of something that only he knows – that no one else – none of his readers – can ever see!

The Elegies of Time appears (appropriately enough!) in Lost Time: Chorus and Other Poems.

Event Poetry

Publication Announcement!

… and it’s published! Much excitement at being able to announce the availability (Amazon or here) of my latest collection of poems, Lost Time.

Lost Time brings together a collection of poems written during the last two to three years. There are poems that relate to Place, the Sea (always a strong theme for me), Writing, Memories and Time… and a few poems brought about by Covid and lockdown found their way in at the beginning.

Brought together, the poems are (I suppose) exactly as described in the first of the 17 Life Tercets:

A story about
an old poet
and his cottage



We are at the proof-reading stage! Unusually, this has thrown up a couple of minor emendations which – in once case – are easily dealt with. The other is going to take a couple of attempts! The spine – on which would normally appear the author’s name and the title of the book is slim enough that only a small font will fit… so we are experimenting to try and get it as large as possible!

THEN… we will publish!

Nearly there! Really, really, nearly there!


Coming Soon!



Chorus Chorus

Corona Sutra

The First Winter


Ystrad Fflur: Dusk  

Uchtryd’s Summer Place

Evening Light

Autumn Rain


Seeing Starlings with Will



The Estuary




Life Tercets

Sea Story


Thálassa, Thálassa

Et le feu s’éteignit sur la mer…

Dark Seas Dawning

Ex Libris

The Interface

A Memory of Night

Evening Poem

If Only the Sky Could Dream

Song of Summer

Winter Love

Winter White

A Report on the Memories Held in Rooms

After Leaving Another Adelstrop


Killing Time

The Elegies of Time

Unredeemable Time


The Departed

Essay Poetry

The themes of Lost Time

Cover design to follow!

I have just finished curating a selection of my poems into my next collection – Lost Time, and am now pondering the idea of writing a short introduction. Maybe this will be its first draft! The poems are arranged through six themes:

Covid – Place – Sea – Writing – Memories – Time

although it would be fair to say, and intentional, that the edges to the themes are blurred. To the extent that during the process I have once or twice moved a poem from one section to another. It is also fair to say that the distant shadows of lost love and passing time hang over the entire collection – lightly, I hope.

Time has always fascinated me.  Aristotle said that Time is the measurement of change and the idea that, as Professor Carlo Rovelli wrote (The Order of Time, Penguin, 2019) of Einstein’s fourth dimension, “time is memory” and again “time is ignorance” or even, somewhat philosophically, “we are time” was at least in part what underlies the long Elegies of Time which comes near the end of the book. But I will write more about that poem after the book has been published.

If you have been with me over a period of time that is long enough for you to have at least dipped into my other writings, you will have come across my ‘fixation’ with the horizon, a fixation which I have always ascribed to my time at sea. Interestingly, I learn that Heidegger identifies the internal consciousness of time as the horizon of being itself. I like that: in a simplistic way I have seen myself as standing at the horizon (I know, I know – you cannot stand at the horizon as – like an understanding of time – as you move towards it, it remains distant from you)… seen myself as standing at that magical line that does not exist, with my future flowing towards me and my past dropping away behind me over the horizon.

So, Lost Time: a few angry or resigned poems about Covid. Then, moving into the collection, place – mostly Wales but not entirely so – gives way to the largest group – poems about or reflecting the sea. Beyond their horizon (horizons?), you come to poems about writing and about memories, which seem to lead – at least in my mind – to poems on time. The light-hearted Killing Time (which is prefixed, appropriately enough, with a quotation from Rainer Maria Rilke, The Duino Elegies: “For staying is nowhere”) is about waiting to go into the auditorium from a theatre cafe, and leads into the long five-part Elegies of Time. Unredeemable Time picks up the theme and the short Creation combines time with earlier themes: memory and writing. The Departed makes a fitting end to both the theme and the collection.