An interlude is a short piece of writing or acting introduced between parts or acts – initially of miracle or morality plays – or added as a part of surrounding entertainment. When Trystan is published – sometime next year – readers will discover that there are eight interludes that surround and interrupt the main ‘story’ chapters. I will say more about this when the book is published. Meanwhile – between more important posts – here is a poem.
Ashes in a Wilderness
To you, readers, I say
I am no writer –
these words
placed themselves
on my page
to tell a story
To you, writers, I cry
I am no chronicler –
these tales
spun their web
through my mind
to make a memory
To you, poets, I sing
I am no rhymer –
these lines
etched their pattern
on my paper
to form a psalm
To you, who come, I whisper
I am no voice –
these sounds
lift their hymn
from the book
to sing your future