Half way! The fifteenth story in my collection of thirty, When I Am Not Writing Poetry is another story following one of the characters – three children – briefly introduced in The Dark Trilogy: ‘Simon’ – the young man who also featured in #12 ‘The Bookbinder’s Daughter’ – here we find out a little more about him. He is a publisher, there is an overseas trip to Frankfurt and Hamburg, there are new colleagues to get to know, and there is time by himself in a foreign city.
He had been with the company over sixteen years when they made him a part of the team going to the Frankfurt Book Fair and asked him, as the new editor with responsibility for German sales, to spend a week at their Hamburg offices on the way home. Having a responsibility for overseas sales on top of his commissioning work was a nuisance, but it had been a promotion and meant more money so he had accepted it; in any case, German sales had never been a problem for them and it really only meant liaising with the Hamburg office once a month. And now, they were giving him a week in Germany. Things could be worse!
‘Simon’ can be found in When I Am Not Writing Poetry – available here or on Amazon.